Biodiesel Technology World live thing is simple can association (WBA) rolls out statistic of the sources of energy of biology of 2017 whole worlds to report. This report is the 4th report in report of series of statistic of development of global biology energy. Main discovery:
2014, the whole world gives birth to corporeal supply to already was added to 59.2EJ, than going up year of growth 2.6% . Overall and character, 10.3% what this occupies global the sources of energy to supply. Raw material supply is occupied but 3/4 what second birth the sources of energy supplies gross.
Of the same age, but consumption of second birth energy increases 66.9EJ, 18.6% what hold construction of global the sources of energy. Relatively on year rise somewhat 0.2% . Biology the sources of energy serves as the biggest but second birth the sources of energy, total consumption is 50.5EJ, 14% what hold construction of global the sources of energy.
In power industry, biology the sources of energy is the 3rd can second birth the sources of energy, generate electricity amount to 493TWh. Whole but second birth the sources of energy generates electricity take electric power trade 23% . Solar energy and wind energy are the technology with the rapiddest development, increase rate is respectively 45.1% with 25.1% .
But second birth the sources of energy is indirect quantity of heat (the quantity of heat that power plant produces) with direct quantity of heat (the quantity of heat that uses up directly) take the whole world 7.1% with 27.7% . But if owner of travel of heat addition of second birth the sources of energy is dominant the sources of energy in order to lay material.
Carrying a respect, progress is very small. The whole world carries an industry to have 2.8% only is by drive of liquid biology fuel. The manufacturing rate of biology fuel is rapidder than electrification carriage speed.
Forestry remains the crucial part that raw material supplies, 87% what take supply of total raw material, include litter of firewood, lumber, reclaim lumber, charcoal. Agriculture is occupied 10% , through using animal by-product, farming by-product and crop of the sources of energy. Adding one of ways that these industries supply is use litter.
Have the latent capacity of 20.4EJ at least according to estimation. Finally, litter energy recovers changeover grows every year with the speed of 4% , europe is banner, the litter the sources of energy of this area answers knock off factory to occupy 55% .
Official data shows, crop of fuel of biology of global liquid state achieves 126 billion litres, america – the United States and Brazil produced 95.1 billion litres. Produce 75.3 million tons of protein at the same time, this is another advantage of biology fuel industry. Grain crop mushroom, current yield is 28 million tons (increase 1.6 million tons of) one year. Europe holds the output of 59% . Korea and Japan are to be next to the grain importer with the biggest European Union. Firedamp production amounts to 58.7 billion Nm3, grow 11.2% on average. Almost the firedamp production of the half is in Europe. Coal output maintains 52 million tons. #p#·ÖÒ³±êÌâ#e#
Finally, biology energy industry employed 2.8 million person, do not take traditional raw material can obtain employment post of the branch.