Respecting rectify tower when the construction that will naturally know equipment first, so inside the tower sort is must want to master on one hand, what can tower of the rectify below the circumstance configure normally inside? Can existence exist when are they being used what problem?

Of rectification tower inside have a lot of kinds, include tower, filling, compound tower to wait, among them tray is divided again for a lot of types, want specificly to ask to deploy program certainly according to real operation. But general rectification craft needs 3 towers rectify, also be beforehand tower, pressurization tower, atmospheric tower, this 3 towers are compound model, comprise by filling and tray, upside is filling, bottom is tray, and tray is float valve type. Some rectification towers its beforehand the tower is filling tower, pressurization tower and atmospheric tower are tower of odd overflow float valve, stock goes through be being collected after before 3 towers and liquid waste can eligible. Before returning some rectification towers 3 towers are double overflow secure model float valve tower, apply at special situation.