The friend that has paid close attention to our website should know, we are the enterprises of a chemical equipment that makes all sorts of norms forms technically, rectification tower also is us advocate make one of products. Have what doubt about rectification tower so, everybody can put forward, the technical personnel of the company can give out to reply in detail.

For example to rectification tower, its are whole the tower in unit process of cargo bandling is pressed is dominate one of index importantly among them, if the tower of equipment presses wave motion to compare old saying, can affect the product quality that produce directly. Show metabolic word when extrude of rectification tower tower so, want to continue to adjust to its, should consult professional about modulatory means. The adjustment that the tower that actually rectification tower tower presses presses is not difficult, on one hand we can become segregate in the condenser of rectification tower cat head implement when, give a quantity to adjust according to the extraction of steam photograph product the bulk that the tower controls, if take out reductive word,tower pressing can rise, conversely tower pressing can be reduced. On the other hand, also can be achieved according to the adjustment of vapour dosage adjust the end that the tower approachs, also can have clear improvement.