Biodiesel Production Line suppliers According to report of Australia Broadcasting Corporation, because global demand decreases and crude price drops, biology derv also faces enormous challenge.

This year the beginning of the year, australia is famous Australia of biology derv company but company of second birth fuel (Australian Renewable Fuels) be immersed in freewill and mandatory, stopped complete bay the production of 3 processing factories.

Bring about oil price to drop besides competition beyond, the company still ascribes the problem to the change of governmental policy, and federal 2014 budget publishs quote have the ” with “ ruinous height but the change of tax of second birth fuel. Till July 2016, plan as a result of clean fuel allowance (Cleaner Fuels Grant Scheme) , the biology diesel oil that Australia home produces just is avoided at paying tax, but this plan already was strangled now, the biology derv plant that Australia minority still leaves still is faced with the overhead costs that increases ceaselessly.

The Situerte of technical development director of EcoTech of factory of derv of Kun Shilan biology (Doug Stuart) say, at present simply pays this industry the consumption tax that every raise a few minutes, but to 2021 taxation increases “ remarkable ” . And since base oil price dropped again 2015, ecoTech already sufferred inflict heavy losses on. He still expresses, the government also gives bovine oil and other raw material to create pressure to the support of Europe and American biology fuel.

Nevertheless, to EcoTech, still put those who have a hope. Begin from January 1, 2017, government of elder brother state stipulates biology derv must take the in part of marketable derv.