In the process that has binary rectify, major case is to do not have sidetrack to take out, only one is entered makings and rectification tower bottom is to have again boil implement circumstance. But the special situation in actual production also can happen, the rectification tower that for instance sidetrack is taken out, many are waited a moment into the rectification tower of makings, how should be this treated again?
To can acquire the product of different specifications, need the chroma according to the product to open sidetrack to give makings opening in the different position of rectification tower, this gives makings opening is the rectify in craft likely paragraph, also be to carrying heat up in a steamer likely paragraph. Balance to make the respect is achieved so, can be when designing rectification tower on the base that specifies variable appoint sidetrack to take out quantity and composition additionally, decide specific sidetrack place truly thereby. Handle a few different composition when tower of a rectify enter when makings, into makings should add from the different position of the tower, appear for the sake of preventing stock compound situation. So, such rectification tower can be become by cent commonly multistage, and have corresponding operation line.