Use alcohol of preparation of alcohol destilling tower, but the acid value that discovers finished product however is very high, had exceeded formulary level. Know what reason this is? Need is searched deep.

Begin to look from equipment, uses alcohol destilling tower belongs to float valve tower, after cat head vapour passes condensation, answer board; Also can go out on circumfluence canal makings. Below the case that using circumfluence to provide a material however, acid value was achieved 0.004% . Consult the understanding after the data arrives, alcohol can be oxidized below catalytic condition aldehyde, and this reacts very incidental aldehyde continues to oxidize Cheng Yi is acerbity, so ability can have so high acid value. To make product acid value accords with a requirement, must ensure systematic sealing, avoid oxygen enter, control systematic temperature even at the same time; It is OK to be no good really calcium of the oxidation that increase a point goes in, alleviate acid value.