If understanding simply, rectification tower is a kind of equipment that lets an object be able to depart, the meeting in this process involves detached precision this one index, it also represented the serviceability of rectification tower at the same time. Everybody perhaps does not know somewhat, detached precision also calls fractional distillation to spend in rectification process, with the fractional effect that will show fractionating tower.

To binary department, what billabong effect points to is light, whether is effective depart achieved between two constituent again; And right multivariate if fastening, it is to point to the detached degree between light, heavy crucial constituent; Still having a kind of case is opposite Yu Fu for miscellaneous department, the fractional distillation between cent of heat up in a steamer of two photographs adjacent is spent is so called fractional effect, the heat up in a steamer that divides with this two heat up in a steamers normally is become in group or the correlation of curve of destilling tower distill expresses. If weight heat up in a steamer is divided heat up in a steamer nods what lighter heat up in a steamer divides prep above first eventually if heat up in a steamer is nodded, the specification has certain space between cent of these two heat up in a steamer; Can have one share conversely cent of lighter heat up in a steamer is entered went in the cent that weigh heat up in a steamer, perhaps weigh cent of heat up in a steamer to enter light heat up in a steamer partly went in cent. Once appear the word of this kind of circumstance, light heat up in a steamer divides receive frank meeting to be reduced somewhat, its quality also can be disturbed. Explain from this, the gap between cent of two heat up in a steamer is bigger, fractional distillation is spent taller.