Below most circumstance, the after all in alcohol solution can have the presence of moisture, the density of such alcohol will be lower. Want to obtain alcohol of tall pH indicator so, need has the alcohol in solution and water depart, tower of rectify of that float valve is one of indispensable equipment for certain. How can that just design the rectification tower that accords with real operation requirement wait, return so that analyse computation stage by stage.
Want to master all physics about alcohol and water, chemical data above all, especially their n duality in all boil steam fluid balances data, will take level of purity of material status, product accordingly next, heat the important parameter such as heat source comes down certainly, this is the key that designs rectification tower. Because from inside these parameter, can compare the circumfluence of rectification tower, tower bottom again boil implement the plan such as the design is specific. Undertake the computation of tray and design even then, the meeting in this process is involved carry heat up in a steamer paragraph, rectification paragraph tray number; Want to ask to undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to real operation only after, right it is the condenser of rectification tower cat head, OK to try to perfect into the device such as makings heater. Assemble gotten rectification tower to be able to achieve exercise goal certainly.