Biology derv is familiar with by everybody as a kind of new-style the sources of energy, in its preparation process little not of equipment of appropriative biology derv apply, but from the point of practical effect, as a result of the influence of all sorts of elements, the oil yield that equipment gets is finite still. How that just can raise the oil yield of biology derv equipment through corresponding means?

Want to reach this one goal, want to ensure the oil content scarcely in biology derv equipment can be overmuch, if pass much word, raw material will be deliquescent in water, will naturally lower oil yield so. Next, the temperature of oil refining also should be controlled proper, the oil that receives from inside biology derv equipment kind be to cannot have temperature, because Wen Ye of this cooling water is unwell,exceeding 3 is Celsius. Raw material respect is after, those who use the adoption of derv of the biology that make is useless plastic, the oil yield that abandons plastic purity and biology derv equipment so has very big concern. Usually, plastic more onefold eventually oil yield will be higher.