Better to can have to the integral condition of rectification tower, the whole tower that needs computational rectify tower operates quality, of course this also is to ask to have premise requirement, the tower diameter of the empty tower quality that is rectification tower then and rectification tower, tower is advanced inside other parameter is foregone.
Because operate the element closely related quality to have a lot of with rectification tower, change property and collective composition character besides the manage of distillation group share outside, still have other parameter, for instance circumfluence comparing, tray is counted, wait a moment into material temperature, master relevant knowledge adequately only, ability achieves our goal. Relevant computational formula has many, everybody must be remembered well, for instance the operates quality = tower equipment quality of rectification tower + operation stock quality. Operate quality of the stock on tray of layer of stock quality =1 among them, the number of plies of product * tray that also is the cubage that accumulate fluid and stock density + quality of tower boiler stock reachs. In this process, the density of stock can produce change up and down likely, it is OK that average should be taken only below this kind of circumstance.